Every year I organize a ski retreat for the Jolly Troop. We pack our various gear into a van, head to the mountains and spend a day on the slopes together. Well, my goal is always to spend a day on the slopes together. However...
Algernon prefers the company of hot cocoa and a comfortable chair in the lodge.
Yvette prefers the company of all the boys in the lodge.
Grey prefers one chairlift ride to the top of the resort for a day of snowcapped meditation.
And Black Jack and Penny prefer buzzing by in a competitive blur on brand new snowboards.
At least The Twins and Magnus are willing to ski a few runs with me throughout the day.
But before I begin to sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, you should know that I still love the ski retreat day, even if there isn't a ton of skiing. Because at the end of it, I get to ride home with my happy and tired friends, listening to their stories and adventures from the day.
And it doesn't get much better than happy, tired friends.
I hope you spend some time with happy, tired friends.

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